LaQuicha Westervelt-House is a Family Nurse Practitioner, with over 10 years’ experience in patient care. She graduated from Charles Drew University in 2015, a graduate program heavily focused on serving the needs of communities in South Los Angeles, with her master’s in nursing science and board certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

In 2016, she joined St. John’s Well Child and Family Center, located in the medically underserved communities of South Los Angeles, where she worked as a primary care provider and specialist in their PRIME (Prevention, Risk-Reduction, Intervention, Medication, and Education) program for communicable diseases, such as HIV and Hepatitis C, and reproductive health. She also worked within St. John’s Transgender Program, the largest program in the United States, evaluating and prescribing hormone therapy and bio-medical prevention of HIV (PrEP) after identifying the overwhelming risk of HIV within the transgender community.

After moving to Orange County, she accepted a position with the Orange County Health Care Agency in their STI/HIV testing and treatment center, continuing her passion for educating patients who are most at-risk for HIV about PrEP as a prevention strategy. After 2 years working for the Orange County Public Health Department, she accepted a job at Laguna Treatment Center, working as a nurse practitioner for inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation for over 2 years, continuing her passion for issues that affect public health at large. She is currently a student at Johns Hopkins University pursuing her Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner certification.

In the Media

Commentary: Why we can’t ignore the connection between domestic violence and addiction: LA Times 

The Addiction Epidemic in the LGBTQ+ Community: HIVPlus

Why Addiction Treatment is a Growing Field for Nurses: American Nurse